I know, this is subtle and not self-explanatory. This will put it back on top of the Stroke Color box. If the Stroke Color box is on top of the Text Color box, click the Text Color box once. Go back to those two boxes where you set the color of the text and stroke. If you want to make your text hallow or see-through and just have a stroke visible, you can do that in After Effects. I typically only ever use Fill Over Stroke. Fill Over Stroke places the stroke on the outside of the text and grows it outward. Next to where you determine the thickness of the stroke there’s a dropdown for Fill Over Stroke or Stroke Over Fill. Click the number and type in a new value. This number next to this icon determines the thickness of the stroke. Moving down the Character Panel, you’ll see an icon that looks like three horizontal lines. Interested in After Effects Templates? Check out my article diving into what they are and how to use them properly. Does that sound like what you’re trying to do? If so, read on! Add a Stroke in After Effects Using the Character Panel And you’re looking to add a stroke to text in After Effects. Just to make sure you’re in the right place, a stroke is a colored border or outline that surrounds text. And you’ll learn how to make your text display just a stroke so that the inside is see-through. You’ll also learn how to keyframe the stroke so you can change its color over time. This tutorial will teach you how to add stroke to text in After Effects.

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