Also, if DisableHighDpiScaling isn't set to 1, then the game is really ugly graphics are all 'scratchy'-looking (kinda like the text thing with the menus).Īlso, it's probably important that I mention that I tried this fix and it didn't work: Edited Augby ownerz12 I think I can disable some and the game will seem to run no differently, but I know that NoVideoMemory and ForceDirectDrawEmulation must be at their settings or the game crashes/doesn't work. My aqrit.cfg settings are here if they might help: RealDDrawPath = AUTO

Hopefully I'm not too much of a burden, anyways any help is appreciated, thanks. As I mentioned, I'm using the ddwrapper fix. I'm using Windows 10 圆4 bit, running the game on Origin (just RA2/YR, not any collection), and the compatibility settings that I'm using are Windows SP3 - Windows 98 didn't work last time I recall. The game freezes at random times, sometimes literally 10 seconds in, sometimes 10 minutes in. My problem with the game freezing is that the game runs pretty well (which took a lot of time to get to work, messing with ddwrapper and aqrit.cfg and compatibility settings), but it will randomly freeze during a game I can't find the cause of it, and I've looked around and tried many fixes, such as changing compatibility settings and etc. anyways, another thing is that in-game, the game will run on the resolution I'm using, 1920x1080, but the menu I guess has a different resolution, since it looks different and glitchy. The text in the menus is also 'scratchy'-looking can't really describe it well. Game Speed at 4 will be where Game Speed 6 would be), and also the Use Map button disappears another bug is that the text for maps is cut off by the box surrounding them. I hope this is something I can fix with the right settings, but I haven't found any other settings that work well yet.My first problem is that various things in the menu (not in-game) are messed up, for example the scroll bars for the audio settings and game settings appear off the slider or off their position (e.g. This happens if I click off the screen when I run dual monitor set up, if I click the edge of the screen with one monitor, if I leave my computer for long enough for the computer to turn off the screen, and sometimes at random if Windows decides it needs to be minimized for whatever reason. I can't make it bigger, and on the off chance that it's still full screen, it's unresponsive to my input and I have to Alt-F4 and start over.

When I play C&C Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge, I frequently get a problem in which if the game is minimized (or otherwise not the top window.) and I try to bring it back up, it comes back up as a tiny unresponsive with the sound still playing.