These packages are only dependent on your OS version and architecture, which can be found on each device specific info page in this wiki ( Device overview). If your device states that there is not enough space on any specific partition during install, you will need to use an even smaller package instead. If you use a larger package, we can not guarantee that everything will function on your device, as in many of these cases our included apps are overwritten in favor of the Google App equivalents.

For Android TV: tvstock, as described in Open GApps TVStock Package Listing.For mobile devices: nano, as described in Open GApps Package Comparison. Starting with Android Studio 3.0 Canary 1, you have now some options of devices that come with the Play Store app built-in (like Nexus 5X and Nexus 5 on.Since you can install any non included apps later, we only recommend the following package sizes (or smaller): Si estás acostumbrado a la Play Store que no cunda el pánico porque a instalación de un APK es sencillo. If you use Open GApps, they offer a variety of sizes of packages that include and overwrite different apps. Esta es una de las principales diferencias respecto a la Play Store de Google. Te explicamos cul es el mtodo ms rpido para instalar la tienda oficial de Android en cualquier telfono y qu debes hacer si tu telfono no incluye los Google Play Services. If Open GApps is not listed for your Android version, it is not recommended. Cmo descargar e instalar Play Store en cualquier mvil Android. Important: This only applies if Open GApps is listed as the GApps package for your Android version in the link column of the tables below in the ‘Downloads’ section.